Product Details

Product Information

Silver will produce exciting and unpredictable reactions with Reactive Ice Clear, Reactive Cloud Opal and sulphur bearing glass such as French Vanilla and Red Opal, it will also stain many others. As Silver will react with a number of glasses, it's important to avoid contamination by keeping silver from touching the kiln shelf, better still, use a separate shelf for fusing with metals.

  • Sheet size is 23.5cmx23.5cm.
  • 3.5 microns thick
  • 98% pure silver
  • The content rate of the Bullseye silver foil is higher than sterling silver.
  • Silver foil will react with clear 1101 and therefore whenever possible you should use crystal clear 1401.

Try out the reaction of silver foil with Bullseye French Vanilla powder. Or use with the Bullseye Alchemy glasses - see the Alchemy Metallic Palette tipsheet for information on this reactive combination.

Please note due to the delicate nature of silver foil there may be small tears in the side of the square.

Experiment with reactive glasses and expect variation!  Here the dark interface reaction between the silver foil and red opal, capped with clear, creates interest in the piece:

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Paul Gibson

I find cutting the foil between tracing paper makes for cleaner results. I have achieved some great results both capped and uncapped especially on fern green and oranges

Jo Eddleston

I agree this is beautiful, and fiddly. I use it in small quantities, and hoard it, but now I find it has a more golden appearance since it has aged. Should it be kept air tight? Be used within 1 year, not touch skin? Or are there any magic tricks to purify the colour again.

All ideas welcome- Thanks

Warm Glass Response: Silver will tarnish over time and as the foil is very thin it's difficult to clean. Its best to keep it as dry and air free as possible to prevent oxidisation, between acetate sheets should help. You can remove tarnish with warm water and baking soda.

Sarah Keeley

Great tip by Pippa, very easy to cut out between two pieces of paper with a craft punch. I have only used on french vanilla but liked the reaction, will definitely be doing some test tiles for different reactions. Little silver hearts on french vanilla slumping into a soap dish mould, has produced a lovely trinket dish - perfect for a valentine gift.

Pippa Ridley

Amazing effects and changes colour depending on what colour you put it on. Very very thin, tears easily but sandwich it between 2 sheets of paper before cutting out works really well, only wish I'd known this before cutting out!

Jenn Gowney

This is a large piece of foil, I have been cutting shapes out with paper punches to put inbetween layers of glass before firing to create really different looking pieces.
