Product Details

Product Information

This waterslide decal can be used with ceramic, porcelain, fusing glass and enamel.  Use these unique designs to add stunning detail to your work.

Firing instructions are included with each purchase. We recommend using a soft silicone rib tool to remove any air pockets when applying these decals.

Size: 22 x 22cm

Firing temperature: 760-804°C

If your decal contains pink or red we recommend venting your kiln in the heating process (on the way up) for best results.?

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Sigrid Hummelen

I ordered this one a few weeks ago and have been having fun trying it out. My best results are with just a single sheet of glass (3mm) of 30x30cm. This results in a very nice 'vase' with artistic folds (if I were allowed to upload a picture I could show you my result) which will hold about 1,5 liters.

When trying it out with prefused glass of over 6 mm thickness it drapes more evenly around the mould.
