Glass Association Discount

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Member Discounts

We are pleased to support glass association members with 15% Glass Association Discount on Bullseye Glass, Accessory Glass, and Dichroic Glass. You must be registered with one of the following:

Simply fill in the form at the bottom of the page, and a member of our team will be in touch to confirm your eligibility.

Click here if you're looking for our other Discount Schemes.

Why Join an Association?

As well as receiving our 15% Glass Association Discount, there can be many membership benefits, such as:

  • Community: Glass artists have an incredible sense of togetherness. Some associations run networking or conference events, allowing you to connect with like-minded folk.
  • Newsletters: Stay in touch with the latest news in glass, whether it's local, national, or international.
  • Opportunities: Some memberships include exclusive awards or opportunities to exhibit and sell your work.
  • Artist Presence: Many associations have artist directories on their website, and may also share your work in publications or on social media!

Read each membership page above for more details.


Do you work for a glass association? 
Get in touch if you would like us to consider adding your association to this page.

Maximum Discounts on Promotions
Discounts (Loyalty, Promotional or other) are not combined, and the highest discount will automatically be applied at checkout. For example, if the Loyalty Discount is 20% and the promotional discount is 25%, then the total discount applied at the checkout will be 25%.

See more Discount Schemes on our Discounts Page
Discounts are reviewed periodically, and your discount may be lowered or removed if your spend falls below our criteria. Warm Glass UK reserves the right to change discount levels, remove discounts, or alter the discount programme without prior notice at any time.
