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Product Details

Product Information

Always wear a mask when working with plaster.

Kit includes:

  • 2kg of Castalot Casting Plaster
  • 2kg of Modelling Clay
  • 4 fantastic tools each with two different heads for modelling the clay
  • 2.2 litre tub to mix the casting plaster
  • Full instructions

Perfect for open-faced castings without undercuts. For deeper moulds try the Lost Wax Casting Kit.

Store the plaster in a sealed container in a cool dry place, and use it within 12 months of purchase.

Product Attachments
Health & Safety

Warning: This product may be hazardous or harmful to health and may cause damage to lungs through prolonged or repeated exposure by inhalation. Do not ingest or inhale dust, mist, or vapour. Ventilate your work area and wear an FFP3 dust mask or P3 respirator, and gloves. Clean up with a damp sponge or HEPA filter vacuum. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet.
