Bullseye Streaky Glass: 3mm Petrified Wood 2971
SKU: AB305
This unique streaky uses the magical properties of Bullseye Red Reactive. Each sheet is a swirling reactive dreamscape of moss, geological caramel, and jewel tones. Heatwork heightens the interplay.
£4.75 ex. VAT
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Product Details
Product Information
Glass artists love working with streakies because of the uniquely expressive possibilities. No two streaky sheets look alike, or transmit light in exactly the same way.3mm fusible sheet glass.
Constituent Glass:
Working Notes
See Constituent Glass for working notes.
This style may not reveal (or strike to) its target colour
until fired.
All our glass is COE90, Bullseye Glass compatible and suitable for applications such as glass fusing, glass casting and glass slumping (unless otherwise stated in the description).